Mindfulness Practice
Here is a brief mindfulness practice to help you cultivate curiosity and awareness skills for self care. See if you this can try this two or three times a day...
Just make this awareness your home right now.
Wherever you are-put away whatever is distracting you, close your email accounts, turn off social media, quiet alerts and put your phone more than an arms distance away. Lets just take a moment to de-clutter our space and our minds. Take a breath in...and out...
Welcome to uni-tasking, the practice of doing one thing right here, right now.
Just notice what that’s like.
Ask, what am I feeling right now in my body? and starting with your feet, have a look around your body joint by joint.
Let’s just be here now together, and notice what this is like.
Just feeling into your direct experience, whether you are sitting, standing, walking or lying down.
You might be feeling sensations in your body (warm, cold, numb, achy, dry), you might be hearing sounds in your environment or simply looking around your room and really seeing what you see.
Let's just be here now, together for ten more breaths.